How To Edit The Footer & Where Is The tag?

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      I have 2 problems on my site –

      1) Epik doesn’t have a footer.php file so where do I edit the footer? I tried looking in the Genesis footer.php file and the functions.php file but none of the text in my footer is there. Where do I go to edit the actual text in my footer?

      2) Where is the <body> tag? There are so many things that need to be put in the
      body tag like Google Analytics code, etc but I can’t find the body tag
      anywhere in the Genesis or Epik php files.


        Epik is just the child theme so it not supposed to include all of these things. These are all located in the Genesis Framework. To make edits to what’s in the Genesis Framework take a look at the StudioPress Tutorials and the Code Snippets here – and here –

        Here is the Footer code snippets –

        To add Google Analytics or any tracking code you do this in the Genesis Theme Settings page in the “Header” section.

        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –


          Thanks for the advice on the “Header” section. For the footer I have gone through the code snippets and the functions.php file in Genesis to try and find my footer text, but could not find it. I used Ctrl+F to search for the footer text in the Genesis functions.php file, but could not find it. I think I’m looking in the wrong place to find the actual text to edit in the footer.


            I’m used to just editing the html files in a Joomla installation so this is all new to me. Is it not possible to just edit the text in the footer from somewhere in functions.php like you can in Joomla html?

            I know it says ‘Unless otherwise indicated, the code snippets you see below should be placed into your theme’s functions.php file.’ But where in the functions.php file? And does that mean I need to recode the footer section to overwrite what is already there, instead of just finding the existing footer code and adjusting the text I want to change in it?


              Chris, even though it’s a bit of a shortcut, I used a plugin to change the footer.

              Genesis Widgetized Footer

              That way it’s much easier to change it.


                Thanks, however I wanted to try to minimize the plugins I have installed on the site to keep it lean, I only need to change some text and modify some of the links on the footer text. Do you guys know an easy way to do this without using a plugin if possible?


                  Yes those links are the easiest way if you don’t want to use a plugin. You simply paste it anywhere in your functions file (start at the end) and adjust as needed. Notice there is more than one way to edit the footer….so just choose the way you want and then add it. This isn’t as difficult as you may think. All you do is copy/paste the code and then fill in the html part to show what you want it to say. It wouldn’t take me longer than 30 seconds to complete, so it should be pretty simple.

                  If you can, I’d highly recommend you do this using FTP instead of the WP editor. If you don’t know how to setup FTP just do a google search for a tutorial based on the host you’re with…there should be plenty of them out there available.

                  I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –


                    I am using the Legacy 1.3 child theme and have a problem with the Genesis Responsive Slider. When I used the Genesis Widgetized Footer plugin or the footer code snippets the footer looked great but the slider image stopped dispaying. When I deactivated the Widgetized Footer plugin or took out the code the image came back.
                    Any ideas?


                      @quitethesite Please create a separate thread and I’ll take a look at it. Make sure and paste a link to your site as well.

                      We have a one question per thread policy here and we’re not allowed to “mix” different topics in the same thread (to keep things organized) –


                      I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested –

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