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  • #6146

      How do I get the comment section background color to change? I am using Ally Dark and the comments stick out because of the white background.


      I was trying to tweak with Firebug but with no success.

      thank you! šŸ™‚


        Yes that’s the way Genesis works (not the child theme). Most people just add a Featured image, and then a post image so the Featured Image shows on the blog page, and the post image shows on the actual page or post itself. Does that make sense?

        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


        Thanks for the quick response! Sorry, this is the code from

        `//* Modify the header URL
        add_filter(‘genesis_seo_title’, ‘custom_seo_title’, 10, 3);
        function custom_seo_title($title, $inside, $wrap) {
        $inside = sprintf( ‘%s‘, esc_attr( get_bloginfo(‘name’) ), get_bloginfo(‘name’) );
        $title = sprintf(‘<%s id=”title”>%s</%s>’, $wrap, $inside, $wrap);
        return $title;

        The issue is that the URL title in the Settings>General section is not controlling the URL title on since it does not match, and has not, since switching to Genesis šŸ˜‰ Thus, I assumed it was normal in that this page exists:

        Thanks again!


          Hi Eric,

          That CSS code was added at the bottom of my Style.css. See my site with problem here:

          Did I add it in the wrong area like hotsauce suggested?



            Not that URL @Eric – that is a test site. Sorry for the confusion.

            Here’s a URL to look at in your mobile browser:


            The last line of my style.css has that code.



            Hi. Is there a way to allow images to appear on the following blog pages in addition to on the posts themselves? Currently, images only appear on the home page slider and on individual blog post pages. Here are the pages in which images do not appear:



            I believe there was a CSS workaround in the support forum in the past, but I no longer see it.



              Hi Wes,

              I tried adding your CSS code to my style.css but nothing has changed. Here is a page I’m having the issue on:



              In reply to: Slider on homepage


                It looks like you setup your homepage wrong. You actually don’t have to create a “Home” page since its already inside of your theme. All you would need to do to activate it is add content inside of the home widgets. There is a quick tutorial that explains it here –

                I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                  You’re Welcome šŸ™‚

                  I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                    Thanks Eric. I’ll probably use a child theme anyway out of habit.


                      You don’t really have to make a new child theme if you don’t want to. The functions file is pretty small and there isn’t that much done differently when there are updates. There may be some changes for the Genesis 2.0 update, but you could use a site like this – to show the differences in code. It should be fairly easy.

                      I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                        Hi @Eric, I like very much the portfolio page.
                        I think that you or @Wes can help me with a custom page template for blog, category and tags pages. I understand that is a custom development, in this case please send me a mail with the cost of it.


                          I already tried it, my default home-page is the blog page, i donĀ“t want the normal home page, do you know what else I can try?

                          Thanks in Advanced!


                            You’re Welcome šŸ™‚

                            I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                              Thanks Eric. It worked perfectly.


                                Take a look in your Genesis Theme Settings page (in the WP admin area) and look under “Blog Template“. You’ll see this – “Number of Posts to Show“, this is where you can set the post count.

                                For the “previous/next” links, also look in your Genesis Theme Settings page under “Content Archives” and make the changes from the dropdown labeled – “Select Post Navigation Technique”

                                I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                  @Eric, I apologized if I was not clear and you couldn’t understand me ok.

                                  I wish that this pages:

                                  Show posts like in portfolio page.



                                    I feel like the plugin lady lately, but… I used a plugin called Theme My Login for a client. It has tons of control options, works very smoothly, and has short codes for login/logout pages. Simplifies everything. I like it because I could set it so that my client’s customers could log in and be taken straight back to a normal page on the site. They were logging in to download product info and videos and the sight of the dashboard might have been a touch freaky for them. When you are logged in the menu item changes to log out, and vice versa. You can add it to your menu just like you would any other page. What I did (and suspect Copyblogger did also) is give that menu item a custom CSS class, then add styling for that class in the CSS file. In all likelihood the image next to “login” is just an icon/glyphicon that is referenced as a background image, with a little left padding to get the text to not sit on top of it.

                                    Adding a custom CSS class to a single menu item is way easier than you’d think and I’m almost embarrassed to admit I discovered it quite by accident. If you click the Screen Options tab at the very top right when you’re in the menus page you’ll see an option under Show Advanced Menu Properties that says “CSS Classes.” Check that box, close your screen options, and now you’ll find a new field in each menu item that says “CSS Classes (optional).” Give it unique name that you can easily remember, then go for it in your CSS file.

                                    If you already know all this please just disregard. I figured if somebody else sees it who doesn’t, it might be helpful.


                                      Dear Eric,

                                      Thank you for trying to help!

                                      I contacted the owner of the website about the non-working link. And his site underwent a design change, so he moved his post. The correct URL to the post I mentioned is:


                                      Also Anitac of the StudioPress Community Forums mentioned that Wes who designed the Epik theme should be able to tell me where to place the code of the post I mentioned. But maybe you can also.

                                      Thank you in advance!




                                        It looks like they’re using a regular menu to add that, but I’m not sure. It doesn’t show what makes it change from login to logout when they are signed in or not just from looking at the code…..So that’s something you would probably have to ask Copyblogger to see exactly what they’re using.



                                          I’d like to add a login/logout menu button like the one on the copyblogger website (upper right corner, just below the social icons)–one that toggles between “Log in” and “Log out,” depending on whether the user is logged in or out. That is, the menu button should read “Log in” if the user is not logged in and “Log out” if the user is logged in.

                                          Should I be using a text widget with shortcode in the Header Right widget? Or is there a plugin or other method that’s preferred?




                                            Thks Eric. Learning on the fly… so if I understand, I need to:

                                            – look at class… for example, #content .post .entry-title { (the blog titles)
                                            – then add styling for every element (presumably under the darkblue section)

                                            #content .post .entry-title {
                                            font-size: 24px;
                                            font-size: 1.5rem;
                                            font-weight: 400;
                                            line-height: 28px;

                                            Does anything need to be removed / added, so this overrides the normal settings?



                                              Epik’s fantastic… but I like to to edit font styles for every element.

                                              The theme’s CSS seems setup to inherit settings on a few universal font.

                                              i.e. changing blog post title style also changes the portfolio page title

                                              Is there a simple way to change this or how/what code changes are needed?



                                              In reply to: Adding Blog


                                                Got it! Thanks so much!


                                                In reply to: Adding Blog


                                                  They have a tutorial explaining how it works here –


                                                    You know what, I’m being dumb. I figured out that I was having my front page display my posts. I created a blog page and had my front page be that static page utilizing the ‘blog’ template.

                                                    Now I can use your plugin idea and it works. Thanks Kronos for your patience. šŸ™‚


                                                      The problem I’m running into is that my blog page is the front/homepage. What I honestly need is a way to disable the widget areas used in the ‘home page’ on the page displaying my latest posts.


                                                        Hi kronos – oh yes, and you make a very good point.
                                                        Perhaps I should have phrased my question a little differently.

                                                        I’m just about finished with a custom template. But the details of the style.css are confusing.
                                                        I’m unclear which section, within section 4 of the CSS, should I be looking at to guide me for the following:

                                                        a two-column widget area
                                                        a one-column widget area

                                                        I could be looking at section 04d, or possibly elements within sections 7 through 10. I don’t understand the purpose of bg-alt within widgets.

                                                        To sidestep all this, I was looking for Eric or Wes to simply point me to a specific area within the css, ideally by line reference, so that I can just ‘copy & edit’ the css.

                                                        The item that comes closest to this would be a regular blogpost, style for a two-column and style for a one-column widget.

                                                        So rather than going into a lot of detail about my question, I ‘jumped ahead’ and just asked the ‘copypaste’ version.

                                                        So that’s the background and purpose … if I should be doing this on my own and not asking in this forum, just let me know.



                                                          Hi Eric — hey would you please copy from style.css and paste here in the forum the style for the following:
                                                          * a regular blogpost displayed by the_loop
                                                          * a style for any two-column widget
                                                          * a style for any narrow (one-column) widget

                                                          I’m having a little bit of doubt, so a quick copy/paste would be incredibly helpful. If you’d rather point me to some classes or id’s in style.css, that’ll work.


                                                            Ok, sorry for such a basic question. I BELIEVE I have searched the internet and this site as much as possible and I must be seriously inept…BUT…how do you add images to the SLIDER? I can’t find it in the manual or this support blog. It’s a great looking theme and everything, but something as “simple” as connecting images to the Slider is not intuitive to me. I’m no designer or developer, so excuse the ignorance. Can someone help point me to where images are uploaded or “connected” to the Slider, PLEASE? Thanks so much.


                                                            In reply to: Custom blog_page.php


                                                              Yes, you mentioned “Slider” and the code for the slider is in the home.php file….which is what is being used to show your homepage by default. That’s why I referenced the code featured in the home.php file to make your customizations to.

                                                              I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                Thanks…unfortunately, leaving out the remove action and simply adding the add action…causes my blog to go “blank page” status šŸ˜›

                                                                If anybody knows how to add bread crumbs to two different positions on the same page/post; please kindly share – would be much obliged!

                                                                Thanks again!


                                                                In reply to: Custom blog_page.php


                                                                  Hi Eric! Ok I think I understand, so lets make sure …

                                                                  Your comment says “This can all be done from the home.php file …”
                                                                  However, since I want to create a separate template, and not mess with home.php, I should copy “add_action( … );” from home to blog_page.php and work from there.

                                                                  Is that right, or is the ‘home’ page for Epik inside of a larger ‘conditional’ statement, and the part you’re referencing is not for the ‘homepage’ itself, but for a page outside of that condition?

                                                                  Thanks for your help clarifying these little details!


                                                                    That’s the way it’s supposed to work in Genesis since (by default) the blog template is only supposed to show the blog posts. To add content/title etc that you add to the “Blog” page take a look here at this tutorial – and see if that helps.

                                                                    I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                      I have a client site where I have prepared the blog page
                                                                      No matter what I have tried the browser title will not appear- it is always titled ‘Blog’. I have put the title into the ‘Theme SEO Settings’, I have deleted and started the page from scratch – tried everything,. Why is this page not showing the Browser title I have nominated in Theme SEO settings??



                                                                      In reply to: Custom blog_page.php


                                                                        Here is how to reposition the breadcrumbs –

                                                                        The slider is set to show after the header… you could reposition it the same way, and if you need to just add a priority to it to control the order.

                                                                        The slider and the sidebar are in to completely separate places. The slider is in its own div, and the sidebar is inside the content div/area. You would have to make the slider show up inside of the content area (maybe right above the #content div) and change its width so it will float left of the sidebar.

                                                                        This can all be done from the home.php file….you’ll see something like this – add_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'optimal_home_loop_helper_top' ); ….and thats where you’d need to start as far as adding your code or repositioning it.

                                                                        I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                          Hi Eric & everyone!
                                                                          I’m working on a new template for my Epik site. I think the template is pretty simple, and I’m having a couple challenges getting everything just the way I want it. Here’s a layout of what I’m trying to create:

                                                                          [normal epik header info here]
                                                                          [normal main nav]
                                                                          [custom secondary nav, could be handled by a plugin]
                                                                          [widget area for a slider] [start of righthand sidebar]
                                                                          widget area for ‘featured posts’ category [rh sidebar continues]
                                                                          widget area for ‘childpost cat1’][widget area for 'childpost cat2] [rh sidebar continues]

                                                                          That’s it!

                                                                          Seems simple enough. But if you look at my test page at:

                                                                          you’ll see a couple problems I’m having trouble solving. How do I:
                                                                          * move the breadcrumbs above the slider widget?
                                                                          * get the sidebar adjacent to the slider widget?

                                                                          Further, I’m clear that I have to define my css for the slider widget (haven’t done that yet); so I’m wondering if the sidebar widget is going to ‘float’ up when I shrink the slider widget to my desired width?

                                                                          I don’t need n00b training (dont worry, i’ve spent all day looking through genesis tutorials++), so if you can just point me in the right direction, that’s all I need, like this:

                                                                          1. Do x to get your widgets below breadcrumbs*
                                                                          2. Answer ‘yes when you shrink the slider dimensions the sidebar will float up’

                                                                          And then I can take it from there!

                                                                          I’m super grateful for all the help you’re willing to share!

                                                                          Thanks — owe you a beer, bigtime!


                                                                          * As in, “you’re going to need to instance the various parts of header. Look at [name-of-template] to get an idea of what you’ll have to do.” <– hope this footnote isn’t confusing!


                                                                            Here’s the page.

                                                                            I inserted the following Custom CSS but it doesn’t seem to work:

                                                                            #title {
                                                                            	font-weight: bold;
                                                                            	letter-spacing: 1px;
                                                                            	color: #4DFF70;
                                                                            #description {
                                                                            	color: #4DFF70;

                                                                            Please let me know what I’ve got wrong. (i tried to check with Firebug but no success).


                                                                              Please find it below:

                                                                              1. on, iā€™d like:
                                                                              a) to place the RSS chicklet below my last postsā€™ list.
                                                                              b) to place some text above my last postsā€™ list ā€“ something like ā€œThings you may have missedā€.

                                                                              2. is it possible:
                                                                              a) not to display at all my last postsā€™ list in the sidebar (in some pages)?
                                                                              b) place my last postsā€™ list somewhere else in the sidebar, say above ā€œCategoriesā€ (still on the test page mentioned at the beginning of this post,


                                                                                well, again. here’s the link:


                                                                                  UPDATE: the beginning of my post didn’t get through after pressing submit. so here it is:

                                                                                  On , i’d like:


                                                                                    1. on , i’d like:
                                                                                    a) to place the RSS chicklet below my last posts’ list.
                                                                                    b) to place some text above my last posts’ list – something like “Things you may have missed”.

                                                                                    2. is it possible:
                                                                                    a) not to display at all my last posts’ list in the sidebar (in some pages)?
                                                                                    b) place my last posts’ list somewhere else in the sidebar, say above “Categories” (still on the test page mentioned at the beginning of this post?



                                                                                      Hi there! I’d like to define :first-character and :first-line styles for blogposts when they appear on a single-post page. Where should I define these pseudo-classes within style.css for Epik?

                                                                                      Also, I’d like to include lettering and kern.js scripts to manage the typography a bit. Where’s the ‘right’ place to implement these jquery plugins within Epik? Basically, I need an answer that says something like, “Put [this code] in [this spot] in [this file].”

                                                                                      Thanks for being Awesome!

                                                                                        This reply has been marked as private.

                                                                                          I like the way you have pagination on the demo portfolio page with a page 1, 2, next.

                                                                                          Default has pagination with older and newer posts. here is the URL

                                                                                          How do I change the default to work like the demo?


                                                                                            Yes that’s what I was talking about earlier, Genesis is designed to show featured images on the blog posts page, the slider, etc……but it doesn’t show up on the actual post or page itself….since the featured image is more like a teaser image.

                                                                                            I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                                            Thanks so much! However, to be clear, I am not expecting the featured images to show up in the blog page. I have images set up on the blog page and they sometimes appear, and sometimes do not, depending on how I click through (archive, from slider, from blog link etc.) and that is what is so strange. It used to. So, I am wondering if a setting had disabled this.


                                                                                              The images in the slider are your “Featured Images” and they will only show up on the Slider, and on the actual Blog page (if you have it set to show in your Genesis Theme Settings page)……but they don’t show up on the actual post itself. The only images that show up on the actual post are the ones you include inside of the post.

                                                                                              By default, Featured Images in Genesis don’t show up on the actual post/page itself. This is just the way Genesis is setup. I can’t remember exactly how to do it, but you can have the images show up in the post itself. I did a google search and came across a few links. See if this works –

                                                                                              I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                                                Yes you have to add content in the Home Widgets in order to activate the homepage widget/features. If you don’t then it is designed to show the blog by default. This is mentioned in the tutorial under – “Home Widgets”

                                                                                                I create awesome sites for awesome people! Contact me if interested ā€“


                                                                                                  Thanks for answering, Eric. Actually, I read that tutorial and followed the instructions before posting this. What I cannot understand is why Adapt is pointing toward my header and then the footer (already deleted from my plugins) as the body of my blog, I must be missing something MAJOR. Does this child theme require a different navigational setting than, say, Genesis Default (which I’m using now) placing the header the secondary navigation position?

                                                                                                Viewing 50 results - 651 through 700 (of 828 total)