Unless otherwise indicated, the code snippets you see below should be placed into your theme’s functions.php file.
Here is the code to modify the breadcrumbs display:
//* Do NOT include the opening php tag shown above. Copy the code shown below.
//* Modify breadcrumb arguments.
add_filter( 'genesis_breadcrumb_args', 'sp_breadcrumb_args' );
function sp_breadcrumb_args( $args ) {
$args['home'] = 'Home';
$args['sep'] = ' / ';
$args['list_sep'] = ', '; // Genesis 1.5 and later
$args['prefix'] = '<div class="breadcrumb">';
$args['suffix'] = '</div>';
$args['heirarchial_attachments'] = true; // Genesis 1.5 and later
$args['heirarchial_categories'] = true; // Genesis 1.5 and later
$args['display'] = true;
$args['labels']['prefix'] = 'You are here: ';
$args['labels']['author'] = 'Archives for ';
$args['labels']['category'] = 'Archives for '; // Genesis 1.6 and later
$args['labels']['tag'] = 'Archives for ';
$args['labels']['date'] = 'Archives for ';
$args['labels']['search'] = 'Search for ';
$args['labels']['tax'] = 'Archives for ';
$args['labels']['post_type'] = 'Archives for ';
$args['labels']['404'] = 'Not found: '; // Genesis 1.5 and later
return $args;